There's a story behind the BabyGiggleJiggle....

When my husband, Tim, and I were in the hospital the day after our son, Oliver was born, the "BabyGiggleJiggle" came to be.
I had our little man all wrapped up in a blanket and was holding him up for Tim to videotape. I'm sure all you Moms out there can agree with me that after you give birth your emotions are all over the place... well, I was feeling silly and giddy at that moment, and the littlest things that Tim would say would send me into fits of laughter! All the while I'm holding Oliver, who had a very serious and reproachful look on his face.... as I laughed his chubby little head shook and jiggled as I held him close, making me laugh even more!
Hence, the baby giggle jiggle was born :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hiya, to all of you out there reading this blog!
Welcome to my little slice of cyberspace.  I will try to make it as cozy and inviting as I can.  Feel free to post any comments you may have on my opinions, rants, ideas and poems.  The best way we learn and adapt our ideas is from challenging and questioning the ones we have!  I love to learn, so I welcome your thoughts!

Today is the perfect day for me to start a blog.... today was my son's first birthday party!  He had so many wonderful people come out and celebrate with him, and he had an amazingly, exhausting day :)  He was so happy to see so many people and interact with them all.  I want to extend a big thank you to everyone that came to show him love today.... in doing so you made myself and my husband feel exceptionally special.  Thank you for being so warm and kind to our little monkey.  So today is a day of firsts for my family, a good day to embark on a new writing adventure.
Speaking of monkeys..... we decked out Grandma and Grandpa's basement in a pure jungle harmony theme!  Oliver has an obsession with the Jungle Book (which is why his room is decorated with all of the Jungle Book animals.... hand painted by mum & dad) so we thought that would be an ideal surrounding for him on his first birthday party.  He had lions and tigers and monkeys, galore!  Aunt Rebecca and Daddy took some great pics and as soon as we get them on the computer I will post them up here to share.
As I sit here typing these words it's hitting me.... I am the parent of a toddler... a one year old boy... I can't believe it.  To me it feels like it was only a few weeks ago when I brought him home, braving the blizzard, so that I could place him in his little green bassinet and watch him sleep, all curled up.  He has learned so many new things since then, and he learns so fast!  If it will get him what he wants, he will learn it in a minute.  Want to get a toy out of reach?  Must learn to crawl!  Want the remote on the TV stand? Must learn to pull up!  Want to pet the dog on the couch? Must learn to creep along the furniture!  Want to get from exersaucer to table? Must learn to walk!  Now he's got all kinds of gobbledeegook speak going on, but there are a few words here and there!  "Dog" is one, "tickle, tickle" is another, and can't forget "hi" and "bye."  These days are flying by so fast, I wish I could reach out, snatch them, and hold on tight forever.
Baby days are extraordinary days filled with wonder and excitement.... watching him explore life and the world around him with his insatiable curiosity has given me an appreciation for each and every day... for life as it is, not as it 'could' or 'should' be.  Having a baby has shown me how truly precious moments can be, and how quickly they pass from one to the next.

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